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Zheng同学 从没有过如此的精彩-纽约大学普通批的提前录取

发布时间:2015-07-04 | 来源:未知 | 点击:
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Zheng同学 2012年秋季本科新生 学生背景 上海市某高三在读学生 GPA 85/100,IBT 102,SAT 2010 录取学校 New York University纽约大学(综合33),University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign伊利诺大学香槟分校(综

Zheng同学 2012年秋季本科新生
GPA 85/100,IBT 102,SAT 2010

New York University纽约大学(综合33),University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign伊利诺大学香槟分校(综合45),University of Miami迈阿密大学(综合38),Boston University波士顿大学(综合53)

Zheng同学是一个很安静,懂事的学生,初看性格属于比较内向的学生,其实接触久了会发现,她的思路清晰,口头表达能力强,幽默风趣。她一直都很喜欢写作,文笔清新流畅。所以她决选的学校都申请文理学校。Zheng同学对于Stanford University情有独钟,想要申请Stanford斯坦福大学的ED提前批录取,但是这时候学生的TOEFL还没有出来,由于她的SAT的Verbal分数比较高,可以免托福,所以作为冲刺我们就先申请了Stanford。如果托福分数比较高,我们会考虑补送分数。TOEFL 分数出来后是102,想要申请前30名的学校,这个分数还比较普通,属于一抓一大把的过关分数,所以我们建议学生重新考一次,但重考一次,而且要考高到110,何尝容易。所以我们综合她的整体情况,根据她以及她父母的意愿,帮她选择申请了的学校。总共选择了8所学校,这8所学校涵盖了前十名到50名左右的学校。Boston University波士顿大学作为"安全"学校。

在整个申请过程中她并不像其他学生有事没事打个电话过来询问一下,如果需要她提供什么信息,她都会及时提供给我们,而不会拖拉推迟。积极配合我们的工作。在她的整个申请过程中,也很顺利,提交给学校的文件很快就完稿了,接下来就是耐心等待学校的offer了。在2月底的时候,NYU纽约大学通知她进行Skype或者电话面试,我们这边申请的学生除了她以外,其他同学都没有收到面试的offer,这也让我们感到蛮惊讶的。在申请过程中,她自己提供的论文条理清晰,严谨,契合题目,只是英文的表达稍微欠缺。我们开玩笑说,估计是学生的论文写得太好了,学校想要核实下真伪罢了。面试结束后,我们从Zheng那里了解到,她面色的感觉还比较顺利,和那个面试官聊了很多,比如一上来问:听说你的文章写得很好,文章是你自己写的吗?Zheng同学说是我自己写得,都是我的原创故事,但是有请教英语Native的老师帮忙修改下,意境读起来更加圆润饱满。面试不久后,大概在3月20号,Zheng同学就提前拿到了NYU的文理学院核心专业的提前录取通知“Advance Notice of Your NYU Admissions Decision”【以下是提前录取通知的原文】。要注意,这可是3月20号,是大多数NYU申请学生都还没放榜的时间。学校写信说:我们提前告知你拿到offer,让你在三个校区()中随自己意愿来选择!太牛了!学生当然选择了纽约主校区。学生以及她父母对于申请结果都很满意。总共拿到四所学校的录取通知。学生打算去排名较高的NYU去追逐她的梦想。



From admissions.ops@nyu.edu

Dear XXXX,

The admissions committee at New York University has asked me to provide you with advance notice of your admission decision, which will arrive officially before April 1. I am pleased to share that you have been admitted to the Core Program in Liberal Studies at NYU. Congratulations!

Please know that we did consider you for admission to the College of Arts and Science. We will share more detailed information about the Core Program, as well as information about financial aid (if you applied and qualify for assistance), when we provide your official admission decision before April 1. In the meantime, please feel free to peruse our Liberal Studies viewbook to learn about the Core Program.

Through our Core Program in Liberal Studies, you will have the option of spending your freshman year at our campus on Washington Square in New York City or at one of our global academic centers in Florence, London, Paris, or Shanghai. We strongly encourage you to think about studying abroad your freshman year, which would enable you to be in New York for your upper class years when securing internships can be incredibly valuable to your career development.

Though you are not obligated to accept your offer of admission before May 1, we do need to know where you would like to spend your freshman year, as we have limited space at each of our global academic centers in Florence, London, Paris, and Shanghai. As a result, we need you to complete our Site Selection Process before March 28 regardless if you will accept or decline your admission offer by May 1. Doing so will simply allow us to reserve a space for you at one of our global academic centers should you choose to accept your offer of admission.

Again, we will provide you with your official admission offer before April 1 and you will still have until May 1 to decide whether or not you will accept your offer of admission from NYU. We simply need to hear from you – by March 28 – where you would like to spend your freshman year, should you ultimately accept your offer of admission. Please make your selection electronically by logging in to your NYUHome service by March 28.

To access your NYUHome service, you will need your NetID, which is sz994, and your password. Please follow the online Site Selection Process by first clicking on the "SITE SELECTION" link on the upper right hand corner of your Application Status page.

Selecting your freshman year site does not obligate you to attend or confirm enrollment at NYU. We will explain how you can accept your admission offer and confirm your enrollment at NYU in your official admission decision email and letter, coming later this month. You will have until May 1 to submit your enrollment deposit.
I look forward to providing you with more details about your admission (and about financial aid, if you applied for it and qualify) later this month. In the interim, please accept my hearty congratulations!
Shawn L. Abbott
Assistant Vice President for Admissions